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AUTHOR: Elle TITLE: Depressed professionals turn to drugs and alcohol STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CATEGORY: Depression CATEGORY: Fear of Failure CATEGORY: Fear of Success DATE: 06/01/2007 02:40:25 AM ----- BODY:

According to a recent survey Lawyers are more likely to suffer depression and use drugs and alcohol to manage depression.

The research carried out by Beaton Consulting in conjunction with BeyondBlue involved 7,500 professionals from a range of disciplines. The results according to Nicole Highet Deputy CEO of BeyondBlue were significant. 15% of respondents were suffering depression at the time the survey was completed. (Note: The survey did not take into consideration if the repsondent had suffered depression in the past).

The results also showed that 5% of respondents knowingly used alcohol and / or medication to self-manage their problems.

This was reported in Human Resources 1 May 2007 p7 


----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: torrent download EMAIL: [email protected] IP: URL: DATE: 09/27/2010 11:01:58 PM I LOVE THIS POST! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Elle TITLE: What are you afraid of? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CATEGORY: Fear of Failure CATEGORY: Fear of Success DATE: 12/06/2006 04:12:59 AM ----- BODY:

"Fear is never a reason for quitting; it is only an excuse."
Norman Vincent Peale 1898 - 1993, American Writer and Minister

Some people advocate that you should "feel the fear and do it anyway", that it is the fear of the unknown that is holding us back. Personally I think it is the fear of the known than can and does have a bigger impact on our lives than what we don't know about.

We know for instance that if we touch something hot we are going to get burnt. We know the dentist is likely to hurt us (because it always has done in the past), and to make matters worse, the sound of the drill can have you running for cover before you can say root-canal. We avoid situations, people and places because of the "pain" that is associated with them.

Now, before I go on, "pain" of course does not have to be physical, but can and does include emotional and psychological pain. As someone once said "words are by far the most powerful weapon ever used". We get embarrased when someone makes fun of us, we can be harassed and abused through the use of certain words and behaviours that are anything but physical, and we remember the hurt and the pain caused by those people. So much so, that if we think about those persons again, our bodies react in the same way as if we had just had the encounter.

Our non-conscious thought processes decide that we should be protected from this kind of pain in the future and will transmit signals to the conscious brain. Anxiety and feelings of dread seep into our bodies and they take on physical symptoms. You won't feel well, and all of a sudden you feel you have a valid excuse for not being somewhere or doing something.

If you think you have a valid excuse not to be somewhere or doing something because of a memory held in your non-conscious thought processes, you have just succumbed to the fear factor. You persuade yourself that you are unable, that you are too sick, in fact you will do anything to get out of doing whatever it is. This may seem like a subtle nudge, but it can and does have devastating effects over the long term.

Why the long term?

Well imagine that you have just succumbed to the prodding that you can't possibly do something because you're sick, you have just given your body and your mind permission to play that particular game again. Your body has to secrete less and less anxiety hormones to trigger the same effects, and your excuses seem to become more valid, the more times you have to use them.

Does that mean we are unable to function in the real world? Of course not, but  the question is - are you functioning as well as you could be? Could you function better if you weren't giving yourself permission to be afraid?

----- -------- AUTHOR: Elle TITLE: The Power of Choice and Fear STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CATEGORY: Fear of Failure CATEGORY: Fear of Success CATEGORY: Causes of procrastination DATE: 04/30/2010 06:35:06 AM ----- BODY:

I first wrote this back in 2006 and it was to be part of a book entitled "The Power of Choice". I do believe we have the power of choice over many situations and Fear is one of those things we need to look at if we are to overcome the procrastination habit.

Fear: What are you truly afraid of?

“The minute you start talking about what you’re going to do if you lose, you have lost”
George Shultz

Note: Fear is:

It is interesting to note that most people will admit to having a phobia – “I’m afraid of heights”; “I really dislike snakes”; “I don’t like speaking in public”, but will not admit that they delay doing things because they are afraid of either doing the task, or what will happen when they do.
Note: A phobia is:

Fear keeps up doing the same things over and over again. We repeat patterns of behaviour, because we are afraid of what will happen if we don’t. Repeated patterns of behaviour means we react in exactly the same way to the same kind of stimuli.


Are you afraid of failure?

Those people who are afraid of failure are those people who rarely try anything new. If they don’t start a project they can’t fail can they?

Are you afraid of success?

Those people who are afraid of success are likely to sabotage their own efforts, or allow their efforts to be sabotaged. Or they give up half way through. How many people have been on a diet? How many times have people said to you “oh go on, it’s only a small piece!” and you have been persuaded to take something that you didn’t want.

Are you afraid of change?

The reason why a lot of people fear success is because it usually means considerable change, and not just for you. And the ones that fear the changes the most are those people who profess to love and care for us:

“What are you doing that for?”
“I like you just the way you are”.

You see, fear based comments do not have to be an outright attack, sometimes subtle comments repeated often enough are all it takes for someone to stop you right in your tracks. The point is they don’t want you to change, they are happy with the status quo. They fear that they will lose their “hold” over you and their place in their version of the perceived hierarchy.

Yes – they fear you, and the power that positive change will have over you. So they will do everything in their power to sabotage your efforts. Of course they may not do this deliberately; a lot of what we say and do is habitual.

But this is also important for you too. Trying to make too many changes all at once can be overwhelming and it becomes easy to slip back into the old way of doing things. Then those people who have been telling you all along that you are no good – will now be able to say – I told you so. You are hopeless, you can never finish anything.” They will move from being fearful to dominant – and you may find it extremely difficult to start all over again. Because you may feel that you have “failed”.

If you encounter this kind of behaviour on a daily basis – and loved ones are prime candidates. You may have even unknowingly done this yourself. You should avoid telling them your grand plans. Make small but subtle changes, so that they are not shocked by the “new you”.

The point is, if we are to break free from the fear of success and failure, we have to change poor habits for better ones. And as you probably know, this can and does take time. If you have ever tried to lose weight, you will know that you can’t lose more than a pound or two a week, and keep it off, no matter how much you may try.

It has taken time to reach the point you are at now, so small but measurable steps are important, and that goes for everything you want to do.

Change is not easy. It is far simpler to do the same thing today as you did yesterday. It is easier to do enough just to get by, to not challenge your day, your thinking.

Whilst some habits are useful to have – and means you really don't have to think about getting ready for work or university, getting into the car and driving there. Most people stay on automatic for their entire lives.

Are you simply doing enough just to get by. Do you notice the ever changing landscape, or the laugh lines that are getting deeper, or hair that is getting greyer?

Take a good look around at those people you see on a regular basis.

Does this sound like you?

We all have habits, and as discussed before, some of them can be beneficial. However, there are some habits that can and do hold you back from achieving everything that you want to do, see and achieve.
Are you happy in your habits? Are they like a comfortable pair of slippers you wear and are afraid to throw away? Or are you not unhappy enough to change any of them? Do they serve your current needs and requirements?

The good thing about some habits is you don’t have to think too deeply about them. It allows us to listen to the radio whilst we are driving. Or iron our clothes whilst watching the television. We run on auto pilot, and only jolt ourselves when we hit a patch of turbulence. But we know that things will even themselves out again and we will be able to get back to coasting through our lives.

Now, imagine that every day you are given a blank canvas on which to work. For some people they haul out the same one, and re-paint the same lines. It's easier you see. They may change one or two colours - but day after day, they paint the same picture.
Can you imagine getting to the end of your life and having to walk down a corridor with your daily paintings hanging on the walls? How scary would it be to see the same thing? Row upon row of the same picture, an endless stream of monotony, interspersed occasionally with the odd picture that stands out, a day that was “special” in some way.
You pause for a moment, to reflect, but then as you return to the walk down the corridor the paintings return to the same themes over and over again. You try to go back to the special picture you saw earlier, but it’s no longer there, just like a day that has been wasted. Once the time has been spent you cannot get it back again. So you are forced to keep walking, past pictures that all look the same.

Now imagine what it would be like to walk down a corridor where the walls are lined with vibrancy. You would walk quickly towards the next one, to see what new and exciting things you had done. You would smile, you would frown, and you would remember the happy times, the sad times, and the days of pure bliss. Each day the painting is filled with something different.

The question is what would your paintings look like? Would they be filled with the same kinds of images day after day, or would your pictures be filled with lots of different things and memories?

Isn’t it time you painted a different picture every day?

Are you afraid of truly living?

The final fear that most people have to suffer is that of truly living. We are afraid to take chances, usually because of what we feel other people might say and think about us, so we run around in ever decreasing circles, trying to make everyone around us happy, whilst at the same time, never making any time to find out what we ourselves truly want, or want to achieve.

Of course there will be people that we all know who always put themselves before anyone and everyone else. That is not the kind of person I am advocating that we become. In order for us to really start to live the lives we were meant to live, we have to embrace change, we have to want to live each and every moment that has been allotted to us and in order to do this, we need to choose success over the failure of not trying. We need to choose success over the traditional thinking that says, I’ll do it tomorrow. We need to choose success over the habits that have held us back. We need to choose to truly live and not mere existence.

What would you do if you knew you could never fail?
And would it really matter if you did?

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