Take your life to the next level.
Is your life out of balance? Are you working harder but achieving less?
Motivate Me! gives you the power of vision and inspiration,
plus the tools to help you realise your true potential.
Get A New Job
Overlooked for a promotion you deserve and are qualified for, can't get an interview for a job or lack the confidence and strategy to win at interview? Motivate Me! has proven solutions.
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Have a great idea plus bags of energy but don't know where to start? Motivate Me! has the tools to get you from 'wish I could' to 'yes I can!' via process, support and mentoring.
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Have friends and family who support your ambition or stifle it? If you're being put down or put off Motivate Me! can show you how to invest in and build your self-worth and independence.
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Getting to the heart
"Passionate, real world, and always full of solutions, Elle does a fantastic job of getting to the heart of what motivates us. I am always amazed at her ability to extract lessons from our thoughts and behaviors, and ultimately find ways to take our life to the next level"
~ Rob "Waldo" Waldman, USA

Seriously brilliant
"Brilliant!!!!! Seriously brilliant! Could have been me speaking. How often have I said to you that we won’t change unless we’re ready to change. That we keep doing the same thing because we’re afraid that if we do change, we won’t like what we actually end up with"
~ Zena Smith, phD

New level of inspiration
"Excellent writing - Right on the nose. It resonated strongly with where I am right now, and what I am doing to reach my dreams. I think you went to a new level of inspiration with this piece, what happened? Did you just reach a new plateau, find Nirvana, Enlightenment, or what?"
~ Phil, Australia

Working their magic
"Your daily motivating e mails are working their magic again. I've completed another life change. Your messages have given me my self belief and the courage to go and get what I have wanted. Now I can relax, sleep a bit easier too. This is another step on the journey and I am pleased you are with me"
~ Chris Bower, UK